Does Gender Gap Still Exist Essay

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This research paper will demonstrate that gender gap still exists. It will give some historically details on how this subject got public initially and it will show what are some of the challenges presented today. Also, it will show what are some of the long-lasting effects and some of the awareness that are currently in place. First it might be helpful to start defining what the pay gap or gender gap is. The pay gap is the difference in men’s and women’s average earnings. This is usually reports as either the earnings ratio between men and women or as actual pay gab. In 2016, median annual earnings in the Unites States for women and men working full time year-round were 41,554 and 51,640 respectively. (Semega et al., 2017). Making the 2016 earnings ratio an 80 percentage and the 2016 pay gap a 20 percentage. This data came from surveys performed to individuals, households, and businesses from Federal agencies like the U.S. Census Bureau, U.S Department of Education and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statics wanting to know about people’s salaries and other incomes.
The origins of the pay gap are also more complicated than a single cause. Women and men have always participated in the …show more content…

Today, 42 percent of mothers with children under the age of 18 are their families’ primary or sole main source of income (Glynn, 2016). As families increasingly rely on women’s wages to make ends meet, the gender pay gap directly affects men and children as well. Even after women leave the workforce the pay gap follows them. Because woman typically is paid less than men during working years, when women retire they receive less retire, they receive less income from Social Security, pensions, and other sources than retired men (Fischer & Hayes, 2013). Other benefits such as disability and life insurance are also smaller for women, because these benefits usually are based on

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