Does Gender Matter In The Consumption Of Fast Food?

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This study intends to indentify the reasons which determine the consumption of fast food among females and males. Does gender matter in the preference of fast food? Does females are more reluctant to choose fast food Vs cooked meals than males? Currently there are many studies on this field stating different reason why people consume fast food, but this study was intended to add new information to the literature review in this field in which we are trying to compare females and males perspective in this controversial debate. Interviews and surveys were utilized to describe the participant’s perception in the topic. Furthermore, collected data was analyzed using a coding strategy for the interviews. This process included six steps, transcribing …show more content…

Obesity has become an American epidemic disease affecting the health of millions and millions of people leading them to shorter and less healthy life, fast food is the most convenient way to feed our whole family thinking is a cheaper alternative without realizing that perhaps home cooked meals are more economical and healthy, the question of who to blame for obesity is important in order to reduce such disease. The intent of this study was to report the social influences (gender) attributed to fast food consumption. This was investigated by analyzing participant’s perception. Participants believed that some of the social influences attributed to the consumption of food are due to media advertisement and the lack of time to cook for themselves. As one interviewee stated, “Media advertisement is the most influential on fast food consumption. You see food everywhere you go and eventually give in to temptation”. On the other hand, when asking, what do you think are the differences men and women give for preferring fast food? Most of the participant’s responses were consistent. They stated that one reason men prefer fast food would be because they are single and do not know how to cook healthy and nutritious meals. For women, fast good might be a faster way to provide food for her children. While analyzing the survey results, when asking why do you choose to eat fast food rather than home cooked meals? Women and men had one common response, convenience. When it comes to eating fast food every participant agreed that is a convenient way to have a meal when you lack time, energy, income or ingredients require for a healthy meal. In addition, quantitative and qualitative data