
Does Hamlet Matter

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Does the Outcome Matter? In William Shakespeare's tragedy Hamlet, several characters act before thinking through all their options, causing them to behave irrationally. In the start of the play King Hamlet was murdered by his own brother Claudius. Then his son Hamlet saw his late father's ghost and found out the truth. Hamlet mind was set on killing Claudius to get revenge on his father. While plotting to kill his uncle Hamlet, in a fit of rage, stabbed and killed Polonius while he was hiding behind a curtain. After Ophelia found out about her father's death she became mad and decided that she could take her own life to fix all her pain. Shortly after Laertes discovered his sister killed herself he wanted to fight and kill Hamlet. This infamous …show more content…

Hamlet’s late father came back as a ghost to talk to Hamlet about his demise. From that point on Hamlet had his mind set on exacting revenge on his father's killer. Gladwell wrote about this thing called priming, more specifically about an experiment with a professor. The professor would call you down the hallway and you would walk in sit down and read a bunch of scrambled words to try to make out the sentences. Little did you know that deep inside your brain you were just primed. Some of the scenes contained trigger words that made your unconscious part of your brain think about being old; causing you, when you left, to walk slower down that hallway then you did coming in (52-53). There is another experiment that also ties into this, the Milgram experiment. Psychology major Saul McLeod explains Milgram's experiment. Milgram took forty volunteers and assigned them to be the ones to issue the shock for each question answered incorrectly. There was also the person answering questions and the scientist in the lab coat that were both actors. The results show that when the person in control, presumably the man in the lab coat, told the volunteer to shock the person, even give them a deadly amount of voltage, they would. Just because they were doing what the person in charge was telling them to do. This is the same thing that happened in Hamlet. When Hamlet saw his dad he became the person in charge and Hamlet would do …show more content…

Claudius had just married Hamlet’s mother, now Hamlet’s uncle is his father. Hamlet’s intuition was telling him not to trust this man. Gladwell even told us that our intuition tells us that something is not quite right or tells us that we can trust someone, but we cannot articulate why we think the way we do (48-52). Even Entirely committed to this idea. He wrote about how appearance of a person changes others opinions of that person (14). He also talks about how we compare things by nature, we compare item A to B and C. When we know that option A is the best and that's what we want we won't settle for either B or C (6-7). Hamlet was doing this with Claudius and his father. Hamlet knows and loves his father but now his only option of a father figure is Claudius, and Hamlet does not like

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