Does Slavery Still Exist Today

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When it comes to slavery, many people aren’t aware that it still existing. Most people, especially in the US, believe that slavery ended a long time. While most people believe that slavery ended with The Civil War, slavery still exists today by evolving into many different types. Slavery existed since the early Egyptian and Greek empires but it never got as popular as during the Transatlantic Slave Trade. The Transatlantic Slave Trade was an international slave trading system that resulted in the trade for over 10 million slaves between the 1500s to the 1900s. The Transatlantic Trade began early in the 15th century when european ships transported a group of slaves to the caribbean. The conditionings in one of the transatlantic slave …show more content…

Enlightenment is the idea that people gain knowledge and become more morally rightful. As more and more abolitionists groups put pressure on the government and due to the separation it provided the nation with,which resulted in the Civil War, slavery was abolished in the United States of America on January 1, 1863. Some states like Vermont abolished slavery as early as 1777, but nationally, slavery didn’t end until the end of slavery war. Some countries, however, didn’t abolish slavery until the very late of the 18th century. Brazil, for example, didn’t abolish slavery until 1888. An estimated four million slaves had been imported from Africa to Brazil, 40% of the total number of slaves brought to the Americas. According to Lehrman, only 6% of the slaves that were transported by the Transatlantic Slave Trade came to the British North American colonies. Leading to 94% of the slaves being settled in the Caribbeans or South America where they were put into hard labor. In 1945, the United Nations was created to address some of the global issues so great catastrophes like world war II never happens again. One of the things that the UN values is the abolition of slavery and thus making every country that joins to abolish slavery in their homeland. Today, the United Nations consists of over 190 countries, each illegalized …show more content…

From child labor to human trafficking, slavery nowadays is a lot harder to detect. One of the major type of today’s slavery is child labor. Child labor is slavery affects teenagers or people younger than the age of 18. According to Anti-slavery, the International Labor Organization ( ILO) estimated that today, there are more than 5.5 million children under the slavery or in similar practices. That’s 5.5 million kids that work under awful conditions. These kids are often abused physically,mentally and even spiritually. Perhaps even more awful is the fact that these children are robbed of their rights as human beings. Human trafficking is another major type of Slavery. According to the United Nations, human trafficking is “the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person”. Today, there are 20.9 million people that victims of human trafficking world wide and almost 30,000 cases of human trafficking in the United States alone. Human Trafficking and Child labor are the two of many different types of slavery. International Justice Mission ( IJM) estimates that there over 45 million slaves today and the numbers only continue