
Does The Dark Ages An Appropriate Term To Describe The Middle Ages

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Is ‘the Dark Ages’ an appropriate term to describe the Middle Ages?
The term “Dark Ages” is not an appropriate term to describe the Middle Ages. When you think of the term “Dark Ages” what do you think of? For me, I think of a very dark and scary time where crime swept the world. This is far from what really happened throughout this time. The so-called “Dark Ages” were actually a peaceful time that was filled with happiness and trade.

According to the dictionary entry for the term “Dark Ages”, the “Dark Ages” were a time of intellectual depression. This means that throughout this time there were not many very large innovations that came about. At first, historians believed that not many things happened throughout this time, but it was not until more recently that it became evident that this was only true for the Early Middle Ages. Instead of calling the Middle Ages by Early and Latte Middle Ages, they simply just grouped all of the Middle Ages together and called them the Dark Ages. By doing this, it made this time period seem less than it was worth. …show more content…

One very important document that came about during the Middle Ages that would shape many systems that we know today was the Magna Carta. The Magna Carta gave us the foundation for what we know today as democracy. The idea of our modern day judicial system in the US also comes from some ideas formed in this document. According to the Magna Carta, a person shall not be imprisoned without a trial from his peers. Without this document, what kind of judicial system do you think we would have today? This document alone is one major improvement that came about during the “Dark

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