Dome Of The Rock Research Paper

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The Dome of the Rock The Dome of the Rock is a shrine in Jerusalem built by the Umayyad caliph “Abd al-Malik in the late 17th century. The dome follows many of the Byzantines architecture traditions and is the oldest Islamic monument. As stated in an inscription on the dome, this structure was completed some time between 691 and 692 A.D. The dome is approximately 65 feet in diameter, and is supported by 40 pillars. The monument is decorated with marble, mosaics, and metal plaques (Encyclopædia Britannica "Dome of the Rock"). Jews believe that the Dome of the Rock is the location where Abraham prepared to sacrifice Isaac. It is also commonly believed that the rock is directly above the location of both Solomon’s temple and Herod’s temple. Although, when it was built, it was not intended to be a mosque, but instead be a shrine for the pilgrims. It is also thought to be the place where Muhammad the prophet ascended into heaven, and was another reason for them to build this shrine. According to Oxford Archaeological Guide Abd al-Malik stated, ”he wished to erect a beautiful Muslim building that could compete with the majestic churches of Christendom and would be a symbolic statement to both Jews and Christians of the superiority of the new faith of Islam. "(Thomas Guignard "Sacred …show more content…

During the beginning of the Crusaders leadership, the Dome was the location where the Ark of the Covenant was sealed. During this time the Dome was known as “Templum Domini” or Temple of the Lord (Dartmouth "The Temple Mount"). The Crusaders believed the Dome of the Rock was where Jacob rested, awoke and stated, “truly the Lord is in this place, and I did not know it,” (Genesis 28:16). The Crusaders also believed this cave to be the place where Jesus absolved the adulteress (John 8:1-11), and it soon became a place of worship while the Crusaders stayed there (Dartmouth "The Temple