
Donald Trump Persuasive Essay

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It is time to take Donald J. Trump’s campaign and his bid for the presidency seriously. Being at the top of the polls throughout the entire campaign and delivering dominating and sweeping performances on Super Tuesday and beyond, it has become increasingly clear: Trump’s imperious persona and fear-inciting braggadocio is not just attracting fans, but also voters. Invoking a twist on Sanders’s platform of “revolution,” Trump highlights the corruption, incompetence, and overall lack of leadership in Washington to elicit and elevate the pessimism in America. With his demagoguery and insult-riddled rallies and debates shockingly spurring more support, a Trump election is no longer a farfetched notion. Although his policy promises have been maddeningly …show more content…

Without precedent, it is difficult to predict the details of a Trump presidency. However, taking hints from his lines so far in the campaign, economically, it is fair to speculate that he would approach the presidency and “Make America Great Again” with what made Trump successful: his business acumen. While politically he would mostly resemble a typical Republican administration, pushing Congress to slash taxes on the upper class and reducing EPA spending, he’d also uncharacteristically differentiate on healthcare, immigration, and trade. Trump’s business acumen and unique style of conservatism would starkly contrast with the current Obama Administration, but his bellicose campaign style and authoritative persona might ultimately limit his cooperation with Congress and hinder his effectiveness as president of the United …show more content…

Trump’s language on his healthcare policy may be extremely confusing at times, especially in differentiating his program from Obama’s Affordable Care Act. Yet he has been adamant in criticizing the infamous bill. Although Trump has not provided enough substance to his healthcare policy, what he has detailed, though slightly inarticulate, has socialist roots. Indeed, Trump has had a history of being liberal when it comes to healthcare. Famously in his book The America We Deserve, he preached a socialist healthcare system and pegged Canada’s healthcare system as the prototype. Constantly reiterated in the CNN-Telemundo debate right before Super Tuesday and in a “60 Minutes” interview last fall, Trumps has asserted that “ Everybody’s got to be covered” while acknowledging that it is a very “un-Republican thing to say.” He discussed how the government would fund the program and use its bargaining power to negotiate prices between hospitals and drug companies: a core tenet of socialized healthcare. To examine the impact of Trump’s plan, we first have to analyze Obama’s legacy-defining bill, which Trump has vowed to repeal. The bill has resulted in more Americans having access to health insurance than ever before. It has also provided more private coverage options with essential minimum coverage and retained a free market for the industry to

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