Donald Trump Satire

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Donald Trump has been the latest talk of any political-based media site. To his fellow conservative followers, he seems to be the next almighty leader ready to “make America great again.” To people hanging on more of the left side of the political spectrum, he is the spawn of Satan who is supposedly going to ruin our country. Some liberal even claim him to be comparable to the notorious German leader, Adolf Hitler. Although Trump’s followers find this highly ridiculous and insulting, the liberal media continues to bash Trumps campaign and brainwash the mass of the population with modified claims that Donald Trump happens to be an overpowering fascist. Although claims on Facebook and Twitter show tons of ‘realistic’ facts comparing the two, …show more content…

The fact is that Trump doesn’t have a grand plan and his ideas are typical conservative-American. He is playing to the American dream at a time when the citizens are beyond frustrated with the do-nothing politicians in office who are sweeping all of their problems under a floor rug. Both the economy and security has initially left our country, and people are finding themselves desperate for any kind of hope. The deportation ideas that Trump has brought to our attention may be found completely absurd, but have been done before under a loved president. The concept of keeping illegals out of our country and that one cannot simply take upon residency without permission is not insane. It is an act of security, to which America is in desperate need of with the rise of ISIS and alliances of other terrorist …show more content…

Constitutions limit what a government can and can’t do, and how they’re allowed to do it. The Weimar (Germany’s Constitution) and America’s Constitution both had a president and a court system, however the American constitution protects the rights of each state and ensures that one branch of the federal government will not be overpowering of the three. The Weimar constitution could be construed autocratically. The people chose their representatives and their president, but the state government had little to no power. The president was granted wide ranged authority. Along with that, the country had little knowledge and experience with a democracy or constitutional governance. One scholar then concluded, “[I]t was doubtful whether such a democratic constitution could work in the hands of a people that was neither psychologically nor historically prepared for self-government.” (Klaus Fischer, Nazi Germany: A New History, 59). In the early 1930s German political parties, the major groups including the Nazis and the communists, organized paramilitary forces and killed one another off. Civil War was in questioning and the only other option the country had was authoritarian. Hitler’s reign began and as a chancellor his cabinet was given power to enact laws without the consent of Reichstag (the great German empire).