Donald Trump's Leader: Servant Leadership: Servant Leadership

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Servant Leadership Servant Leadership begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first. Than conscious choice, bring one to aspire to lead. Servant leadership is clear from its name and easy to understand. No one would believe if we say that Donald Trump leadership was actually servant Leadership. However, after reading his book and research about his autobiography I can say he has all the characteristics of servant leadership. Peoples who don’t believe are those who know Donald Trump on TV Shows not in business dealings. But, there is some confusions in this type of leadership style or approach. What servant leadership theory tells us about a leader, is caring about followers, lead from the front, serve first, listen others, fore sighting abilities and awareness, but does not particularly tell us for which type of followers. In business world, you can’t treat everyone unique and in same way, those who are working against policy or involved in fraud, it doesn’t make sense to treat like those who work honestly for organization. So servant leadership doesn’t mean that you ignore principals of business. Trump did the same, he takes care of his friends, employees, took responsibilities of his actions as servant leaders do but on the other hand he is well known tough person.

Authentic Leadership Authentic leadership is an approach to leadership that emphasizes building the leader’s legitimacy through honest relationships