Donald Walsch's Conversations With God

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“Conversations With God ”, by Neale Donald Walsch, is written conversation between the writer and God. In a dark moment brought on by frustration and failure, Walsch wrote a cross letter to God. He couldn’t have foreseen that God would write back, but he believes he did. Walsch found himself uncontrollably penning the word of God as they engaged in an exchange of questions and answers. This book is written very simply and is easy to follow. In a way, it is un-teaching of sorts. This book depicts many of the decisions that we make, in particular, ones that are mundane, that have kept us from being our best selves and explains why these decisions are wrong. It also enlightens the reader (and writer) on how to shift behaviors to decrease fear …show more content…

Profound topics are explained simply, making it an easy read for most. It has a strong emphasis on choosing love over fear with enough justification to make one consider the possibility of change. God speaks of his love for us, of how he created us perfectly, and the value of free will. This may scare some, but others it will empower. Overall, I would recommend this book (as a friend) to someone who might need to do a little soul searching or perhaps one with a crisis of faith. I personally did feel real emotional about it. I felt it was a little heavy handed in how one can create or achieve anything. As a realist, it’s not something I personally believe, however, I do believe that we are capable of great things. It’s also nice to have a religious book that isn’t hyper-focused on the Bible. The Bible divides us into perpetual sinners and saints and very few people fall into either one of those categories. I agreed that we as a people have become sheep, although I generally try to at least be the black sheep. The focus on love, both internal and external, was also refreshing because the book discusses how it not always looks as we think it should. Mostly, I appreciated the encouragement to release pain, fear, comparison, and judgment. We live in a society that glamourizing doom and gloom, and we don’t have to. We can choose better for ourselves without guilt and shame, and we