Doppler Effect Conspiracy Theory

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One of the biggest questions today is how was the Earth created? Why are we here? Of course nobody knows the answer to these questions yet, I will be providing great details and history of the expanding universe that we call home because in order to understand how the universe was created you need to think of it as a whole. There have been many theories as to why our universe was created, some make a lot of sense and then there are some that are so out there that we can’t believe them which have lead to some crazy interesting conspiracy theories. During the first few seconds that the the Big Bang occurred the universe was expanding 100 times in size, this theory is very hard to comprehend because all of the energy was being transformed …show more content…

When the wavelength from other galaxies is increasing that means they are moving away from us which is currently what is happening. Red shift is closely related to the Doppler Effect because when a galaxy moves away from the observer it emits a different color light that can be used looked up on the Electromagnetic Spectrum to determine how far and how fast a galaxy is moving away from us, which brings us right to redshift which is when a galaxy or any other object is moving away from us. We detect these galaxies moving away from us by noticing the wavelength, when an object is moving away from us the wavelength gets bigger because it is getting stretched out. Red shift is occurring constantly because scientist have discovered that as time goes on the galaxy’s are only moving farther and farther away from us. Blue shift is closely related to redshift only that it is when a galaxy is moving towards us making the wavelength get smaller, scientist have discovered that in all there are only about 100 known galaxies that are blueshifted. Scientific model is a representation of an idea, an object or even a process that is used to describe a theory. Models are key for what scientists do, both in their research and when presenting their explanations. Scientific models are key because scientists can observe what they like and what they don’t like about their model and make adjustments to better the chances of the actual structure to