Doritos: Crowd Sourcing And Social Media

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Crowd sourcing can be a very powerful and useful tool. A company can get an idea as to how to a particular product may sell, ideas for improvements to a product, or even if a product is worth selling to begin with. Crowd sourcing has many different uses other than selling a product as well. It can be used to outsource a task that someone would normally have to pay a company to do. This can save time and money. Frito-Lay had an idea to crowd source the making of their next Super Bowl commercial. Doritos, to be specific, put the power of creating the next Super Bowl commercial into the creative hands of the consumer. By reaching out to consumers via the Internet, television, and advertising on their products, they have given incentives for everyday …show more content…

Frito-Lay isn’t the only one that benefits though. Many of the contestants have gone on to do some noteworthy things in film, advertising, and other creative industries. (Erikson 2012) Crowd sourcing has been used for other tasks other than merchandising though. Law enforcement has been using crowd sourcing for decades. The assassination of President John F. Kennedy is a prime example of law enforcement collecting photographs and video of the motorcade to try a pinpoint a suspect. The Zapruder film was used as evidence in many inquiries. More recently, crowd sourcing was used in the Boston Marathon bombing. In this instance, crowd sourcing did almost as much damage as it did good. In the hours following the bombing a “sub” or page was created on called “FindBostonBombers”. As well intentioned as this crowd sourcing effort was, it turned out to be a modern day witch