Crowdsourcing Essays

  • All About Diversity: Crowdsourcing For Business

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    “Crowdsourcing is all about diversity” (Howe). Crowdsourcing has a very meaningful and true principle- innovation and creativity can come from anywhere. It is just like teamwork; with contributions from the public, the result will be amazing. Crowdsourcing has existed approximately since mid-19th century; today there are three things that contribute to crowdsourcing. Crowdsourcing is all around us, used by brands we use every day. Examples are everywhere and the requirements to using them are very

  • Crowdsourcing Campaigns: The American Apparel Company

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    Crowdsourcing and Crowdfunding Crowdsourcing Campaigns The American Apparel company utilized the crowdsourcing campaign to expand its product line as well as the company’s mission. The company is a manufacturer, distributor and retailer of accessories made locally, and selling them online and at their local stores. The primary purpose of the campaign was to solicit ideas from vendors about third-party accessories and homemade goods, and giving those vendors an opportunity to distribute in their stores

  • Assess The Impact Of Crowdsourcing On Computer Interactions And Human-Computer Interfacess

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    Bill programs practically for free. One of these examples can be through crowdsourcing. For crowdsourcing there is a demand as it is being popular in new developments such as Web 2.0 but there is also a demand for across or sitting through traditional means because it allows groups and communities of people to put in their ideas and their once inside of a program that they could potentially use in the future. Although crowdsourcing is typically in consumer-friendly items and programs including games

  • Crowdsourcing Essay

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    fingertips. As a result, many mobile crowdsourcing applications have been developed for this purpose. The aim is to find out what the crowdsourcing is, its advantages and disadvantages and get some popular examples of mobile crowdsourcing. Crowdsourcing: what is it? The term was introduced in June 2006 by editors of Wired magazine, Jeff Howe and Mark Robinson in the article “The Rise of Crowdsourcing”. According to their definition, crowdsourcing represents

  • The Crowdsourcing Model

    765 Words  | 4 Pages

    Crowdsourcing has become popular with perspectives, such as users involvement in company’s communication activities as well as various crowd-funding models. Brabham (2008, p. 75) defines crowdsourcing as an online, distributed problem solving and production model applied by business organizations, for example, iStockphoto. Brabham further explains that speculation in Weblogs and wisdom of crowds’ theory assumes a diverse crowd engaged in crowdsourcing labor. As such, people likely participate in

  • Examples Of Crowdsourcing

    1001 Words  | 5 Pages

    Crowdsourcing: what is it? The term was introduced in June 2006 by editors of Wired magazine, Jeff Howe and Mark Robinson in the article “The Rise of Crowdsourcing”. According to their definition, crowdsourcing represents a transmission of company’s functions previously performed by its employees or under contract, some people in the community as an appeal. This work could be collective, but as a rule, is still carried out by individuals. The most important requirement is a large audience of potential

  • Doritos: Crowd Sourcing And Social Media

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    Crowd sourcing can be a very powerful and useful tool. A company can get an idea as to how to a particular product may sell, ideas for improvements to a product, or even if a product is worth selling to begin with. Crowd sourcing has many different uses other than selling a product as well. It can be used to outsource a task that someone would normally have to pay a company to do. This can save time and money. Frito-Lay had an idea to crowd source the making of their next Super Bowl commercial.

  • The Controversy Over Crowdfunding Funding Around The World

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    What it is: Crowdfunding is about persuading individuals to each give you a small donation -- $10, $50, $100, maybe more. Once you get thousands of donors, you have some serious cash on hand. This has all become possible in recent years thanks to a proliferation of websites that allow nonprofits, artists, musicians -- and yes, businesses -- to raise money. This is the social media version of fundraising. There are more than 600 crowdfunding platforms around the world, with fundraising reaching billions

  • Pros And Disadvantages Of Crowdsourcing

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    CROWDSOURCING Refers to an article in the Convergence the international journal of research into new media technologies by Daren C.Brabham, Crowdsourcing as a Model for Problem Solving; crowdsourcing is the act of a company or institution taking a function once performed by employees and outsourcing it to an undefined (and generally large) network of people in the form of an open call. This can take the form of peer-production (when the job is performed collaboratively), but is also often undertaken

  • Amazon Crowdsourcing Case Study

    1392 Words  | 6 Pages

    Crowdsourcing by AMAZON.COM the ‘Amazon’, the American online supermarket and cloud computing company is tapping the crowd inorder to streamline their business processes. Amazon is a pioneer of sorts in its own way. The company besides selling merchandize online also produces consumer electronicsand is the world's largest provider of cloud infrastructure services Crowdsourcing concept is very well integrated by Amazon in their business operation model is used at 2 stages by Amazon. (a)

  • Disadvantages Of Crowdsourcing Essay

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    3.1 Advantages of crowdsourcing in firms With crowdsourcing firms can furthermore attract and retain their customers, built brand loyalty and create viral effects, as was done in the above mentioned crowdsourcing campaign of Henkel. It is thus also a way of creating awareness and managing the marketing of a company. When companies use crowdsourcing as a business strategy, they have to find a way to harness the wisdom of the crowds (Surowiecki 2004) in an effective manner in order to unlock innovation

  • Crowdsourcing Super Bowl Ads

    648 Words  | 3 Pages

    normally through a competition, asking consumers to send in homemade commercials. Crowdsourcing has been a method of marketing during the Super Bowl for several years by Doritos with the “Crash the Super Bowl” competition. Doritos uses crowdsourcing as a way to create brand recognition and attention. The competition spans over several months and retains attention by dropping through the “top 10” best. While crowdsourcing is a fine method to draw attention, it is not necessarily cheaper. Between the

  • The Advantage Of Outsourcing In Education

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    Given the mobility of students and globalization of education it is important to pay attention to the use of crowdsourcing technologies as a tool to obtain feedback and to develop optimal solutions for the improvement of the university management structure (for example,, improving the efficiency of educational

  • Lego Week 3 Term Paper

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    One of the companies that are actively engaged in the development of crowdsourcing is Lego. Lego is a company that involved in developing creativity of children through playing and learning (“The LEGO Group”, n.d.). Also, it is best well-known for the manufacture of Lego-brand toys. This is because Lego has been building our imaginations with little plastic blocks since 1949 and has become an empire built on the stunningly simple and clear concept of interlocking toy bricks. With roots as a small

  • Swoon Reads: Article Analysis

    776 Words  | 4 Pages

    Writers and publishers are trying out an updated method of building an audience for books long before they are published or even written. They see crowdsourcing as a unique approach to uncovering hidden talents and measuring fans’ reactions and feedback before these works are released. Traditionally, a book is first released then publishers work to build a fan base and following. However, these updated methods are more aligned to the rest of the entertainment industry, where shows and movies are

  • Essay On The Occupy Wall Street Movement

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    witnessed crowdsourcing on social media being used for organizing protests. Prior to social media, protests were a lot more complex and a lot harder to organize (Madison, 2017). This was because a lot more resources needed to be put into them like building phone trees, sending out physical resources, etc. Using social media for organizing these movements has allowed them to organize faster and at a larger scale. The common example of a protest that was the child of social media crowdsourcing is the

  • Find Out The Best Terms To Describe My Citizen Science Project Eoeceans

    1297 Words  | 6 Pages

    In my research to find out the best terms to describe my citizen science project eOceans, I have determined through my sources that the best terms are participatory action science, Community-based Participatory Research, and crowdsourcing. These terms best describe the citizen science project eOceans. I will also explain my reasoning on why some terms do not fit my project. Before I started this essay I wanted to do my argument paper on a scistarter project called eWhalestrandings. Unfortunately

  • Topcoder Essay

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    from the company’s current situation and success over the years. This way of operation create multiple value propositions for the users, both community members and companies, and it can be considered as very innovative and unique way of providing crowdsourcing

  • Final Essay

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    Therefore, social media has changed the journalism field as a whole. An example of a social media site revolutionizing the world of journalism is Twitter. Twitter has changed journalism by developing a new method to gather news information by crowdsourcing, creating an audience to inform through the convergence to the internet, and allowing journalists to publish and spread news rapidly. One of Twitter's major advancement to journalism is its impact in the newsroom.

  • Personal Statement

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    interested in entrepreneurship management, crowdsourcing, crowdfunding, reinforcement learning particularly in enabling the technology entrepreneurship process thrive. Specifically, I am interested in research work aimed at designing systems that use real-time monitoring and human feedback in automated web-enabled idea management and crowdsourcing systems facilitating knowledge transfer from the crowd to the sponsoring organizations; innovation that combines crowdsourcing techniques with the creation of highly-specialized