Double Quotations In Spanish Essay

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There are several ways to quote someone’s words in Spanish and the symbols vary depending on the region you’re in. In some Spanish-speaking places, you may see the familiar double quotation marks (comillas):

“Quiero saber la verdad”, dijo Felipe.
“I want to know the truth,” said Felipe.

The use of angular quotes (comillas angulares), however, is more common in Spanish writing:

«Quiero saber la verdad», dijo Felipe.

A dash (raya) may likewise be used to indicate that a person is speaking:
—Quiero saber la verdad—dijo Felipe.

To mark a quotation within another quotation, you begin the first quotation with angular quotes before switching to double quotes:
«Quiero ver"Anatomía de Grey"», dijo Felipe.
“I want to watch ‘Grey’s Anatomy’,” …show more content…

Yo quier0 ver «Anatomía de Grey».
I want to see “Grey’s Anatomy”.

While periods and commas are usually placed inside quotation marks in English, they are placed outside of quotations in Spanish.

Other punctuation marks, though less commonly used in Spanish, have similar uses as they do in English: colon (dos puntos), hypen (guión), semicolon (punto y coma), ellipsis (puntos suspensivos), and parenthesis (paréntesis). Capitalization

Spanish has far fewer uses for capital letters than the English language. Capitalization is required in the following instances: To start a …show more content…

Gender Singular Plural
Masculine Un unos
Feminine Una unas


un libro a book unos libros some books una casa a house unas casas some houses Contractions

To make pronunciation easier, the article “el” is contracted in two instances:

When the preposition “a” (to, in, at) is followed by the definite article “el”, they are combined to form “al”.

a + el = al

Voy a ir al aeropuerto. I will go to the airport.

Whenever the preposition “de” (from) comes before “el”, they combine to form “del”.

de + el = del

Ella ha venido del mercado. She has come from the market.

The gender of a living creature is based on its natural gender while the gender of an inanimate object follows certain rules. In this section, you will learn the rules governing the gender of nouns as well as the