
Dr. Lorinda Parks's Pinterersting Approach To Patient Education

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In today’s world, basic human necessities have evolved from nutrition, shelter, and clothing, to include technology. More specific the internet. Like most technology, the internet has evolved. What use to be dial up, is now wireless and even part of our cell phone plans. Ultimately, becoming a game changer in many areas. Without this form of technology, many of us would have a challenging time performing our daily functions, professionally and personally. From research for school, ordering food, keeping up with friends to providing the best and safe patient care, the internet is determinative factor in our lives.
One area that has and continue to advance from this type of technology is health care. From the use of electronic medical …show more content…

In, “Pinterersting” Approach to Patient Education, Dr. Lorinda Parks conveys how she uses Pinterest, social media site, for patient education. She states, “Using images gathered via Pinterest allows me to individualize patient education in an interactive way, while also addressing low literacy” (Parks, 2014). A positive way to ensure patient-centered care while involving the patient. This being easily adaptable on to nursing care. Another good thing about Pinterest, is the information can be either emailed to the patient, printed out and handed to them or create their own account and have access to their “pins” (material). A down fall to social media, is the possibility of the patient not seeking immediate attention when needed because they have some educational information that may not be detailed. Or sending emails and waiting for a …show more content…

With information technology and information system the educational information is evidence base and the same across the board. Language may be changed, but ultimately it is English standard (Escobedo, Kirtane, & Berman, 2013). The problem with information technology and information system, as well as, social media is the age. Older patient’s do not understand the use of electronic systems or social media. As the younger generation becomes older, this may not be an issue, but at this moment it is. Another issue with information technology, is the possibility of not being available in laymen’s terms, making it difficult for low literacy to

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