Dragon Bear Courage Quotes

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Have you ever felt scared, and needed to have courage? The theme in “Standing Up” and “Dragon Slayer” is no matter what, you have courage deep down and you need to use it. First, Jack showed courage by standing up against the bullies. Then, Tom showed courage by overcoming his fear of the dragon. Both of these characters show courage in their own ways. Jack showed courage by standing up against the bullies. According to the text “...he couldn't just stand there and let his friends get hurt…Jack took a deep breath and stood his ground, telling the bullies to leave his friends alone.” Another statement that is stated is “He had learned that having courage didn't mean not being scared, but it meant standing up for what was right, even when you were scared.“ Clearly those quotes show that you cannot let fear hold you back from doing what's right. When doing so, you will always come on top. For example, this means even when scared, stand up for what you believe is right and you will find your courage. Clearly, with people with courage, our world would be destroyed. …show more content…

According to the text ““Tom felt a moment of doubt, but then he remembered all the reasons why he couldn't back down. He stood tall, held up his sword, and faced the dragon head-on.” Another statement was “The battle was long and grueling, but Tom never gave up. He fought with all his might, using every ounce of courage he had. And in the end, he emerged victorious. “ From this, I understand that when with fear and doubt in doing something, remember that everything has a reason, so when you are doing something scary, think of your reason and do it. It shows me that when stuck in a ruff situation, keep working hard and you will be victorious. It explains that if you don’t have a reason, nothing will be accomplished in our world today and shows if you didn't try hard enough no one would have