
Dreams In Of Mice And Men

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One of the major themes in “Of Mice And Men” by John Steinbeck is Dreams. Dreams are, contemplate the possibility of doing something or that something might be the case. In the book “Of Mice And Men” by John Steinbeck, George and Lennie had huge dreams that kept on popping up which kept them both on their feet and driving through all the obstacles in their journey. A major theme is dreams. Throughout the whole book, there was different dreams that popped up and stayed there waiting to be caught. A dream that both Lennie and George had was, to “have a little house and a couple acres an’ a cow and some pigs and 一”(Steinbeck 14) rabbits! This dreamed stayed all throughout the book for George and Lennie but now Lennie won’t be able to get it… George might be able to. Being able to get a ranch and live with animals have been their main dream since day one, that is why they have been going to different places for jobs and to save up money. “No, sir, we'd have our own place where we belonged and not sleep in no bunkhouse"(Steinbeck 58). Even Candy was let into their little secret because he had the money for it to all happen. These are a couple of times that show that the ranch was a dream. …show more content…

Throughout the whole book, there was different dreams that popped up and stayed there waiting to be caught. A dream that Lennie and George kinda had was to tame rabbits and have them in the ranch. Lennie would always say “ let’s have different color rabbits” to george.(Steinbeck 16). And George would always say we will because he didn't want to upset Lennie. Lennie has a mental issue so he loves soft things and that is why rabbits is like his favorite. Lennie would also say, "I remember about the rabbits, George."(Steinbeck 4). There are many more times but these a a couple that show that the rabbits were one of the

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