Dress Codes Mandatory Essay

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Dress Codes Dress codes should be mandatory at schools because without them it can physically and mentally hurt kids. Dress codes were made in 1969 by the supreme court because there were ridiculously naughty clothes kids would wear to school. Dress codes should apply in school because kids can easily get distracted by other people's clothes and because total freedom of clothes can cause bullying. Inappropriate clothes can cause distractions among children at school. For instance, teachers such as Chase Hardin, feel like dress codes can help not cause distractions among students emotionally and academically (Shinn). This proves that dress codes should be mandatory at schools for students' mental health. Another key point is, not having dress codes can cause people to focus on their bodies and not school work (Geier). The important idea in this fact is without dress codes kids can feel bad about their clothes and bodies. In addition to that, Clothing and accessories associated with gang and hate groups can cause a major distraction in class and can bring …show more content…

For one thing, if everyone has a uniform or limit on clothes it can help not cause bullying among children at school (Grant, Taylor). If everyone has uniforms that can result in happier and more effective children. Not to mention, dress codes or uniforms can make a group of people feel like a team, no one is left out or judged for their clothes (Heathfield). If kids don’t feel sad about being judged on what they wear they might get higher grades and participate more often. In some instances, uniforms help with inclusion and when all students wear the same clothes there has been a decrease in bullying (McMahon). If all schools were to get a dress code or uniform there would be a way bigger decrease in bullying and kids would want to go to school and learn. Uniform and dress codes can limit bullying and kids could feel more included with their school and