Drop Of Atomic Bomb Essay

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The Drop of Atomic Bombs “Purely Military” In the diary page of the president Harry S. Truman on July 25, 1945, he wrote that the atomic bombs were ordered as a “purely military” target, “I have told the Sec. of War, Mr. Stimson, to use it so that military objectives and soldiers and sailors are the target and not women and children.” (Truman 1945). However, behind his decision of the drop of two atomic bombs had controversies: a race against Germany of the development of the atomic bomb, to destroy completely Japan’s power, and not only to avoid death of thousands American soldiers but also, revenge of Japan’s attack in the U.S. Navy base at Pearl Harbor. First, the Manhattan Project was the scientific top-secret project that a team of scientists and some of the world’s best-known physicists such as Enrico Fermi, Robert …show more content…

militaries decided defeat Japan, they would lose approximately 200,000 soldiers and sailors, which they estimated these numbers based in a suppose November invasion of Japan. Knowing that the U.S. nation already lost thousands of soldiers, sailors and pilots, it that he chose a horrified short cut to avoid death of American soldiers. Again, in the president announcement, he stated “We have used it, in order to shorten the agony of war, in order to save the lives of thousands and thousands of young Americans. We shall continue to use it until we completely destroy Japan's power to make war." (Truman 1945). On the other hand, there some speculation that the president Truman want a revenge for the Japanese’s attack surprise in December 1941 that took place in the U.S. Navy base in Pearl Harbor, which “2,500 soldiers and sailors were killed, 150 U.S. airplanes were destroyed, and five battleships as well as many other vessels were sunk.” (Fraser 653). In sum, the war against Japan lasted four years of horrified fight and death of both sides, which influenced on president’ decision of the bomb

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