
Drop Out In America

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I stared at my math test. What the heck did 2(n-1) +5 mean? Then I had to write that in what it recursive form? What is that? The teachers don’t even care whether I pass or fail, so why try? This is the problem in the United States. Many students are dropping out of high school every day, thus our drop-out percentage rate is increasing. This is detrimental to America. While many strategies are being implemented in schools all across the country, which are helping to decrease the drop-out percentage rate, this is not totally eliminating the drop-out percentage. For the sake of students across America, the U.S. government should require all high school students to graduate.
One million a year. Seven thousand a day. One every 26 seconds. This is how many students are dropping out per year, day, and second respectively. And these dropouts are causing educated Americans, old and young, to have to pay millions of dollars that could be saved and used for something more useful. This money could be used to improve America’s infrastructure, military, and health services. But because these dropouts make a split second …show more content…

But by making the decision to drop out, they have gone to the “dark side.” They have just totally risked their chance of living even a decent life. All jokes aside, it might not exactly be called the dark side, but I am sure that if they had just toughed their way through a couple more years of high school, they could be hanging out with people who are interested in things that help and entertain people and people that will be able to succeed in life. And toughing out those years can make all the difference later in their lives. They can get better paying jobs, which allow for more $$, and these better paying jobs will allow them to afford health insurance and guarantee a retirement

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