
Drug Monologue

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“Really Shelby? You really expect me to believe you after all the shit you have said and done? Ain’t happening! You need to get your shit together and quit playing victim to the shit storm you have created!” My older sister has officially lost all my respect and truthfully her words don’t mean a damn thing to me anymore. It’s sad that I feel this way about my own flesh and blood. I’ve learned that you must draw the line sometimes in life and protect yourself even when it comes to someone you love. I’m to the point where I can’t believe a single word that comes out of her mouth. We used to be close, but my only sister has become someone I hardly recognize. Drugs push families apart and will tear people away from their morals. They destroy unity and instill solitude. Drugs become a best friend to the user and the worst nightmare to all …show more content…

“Son I can’t just turn my back on her, she’s my child just like you and I can never give up on her!” It was hell watching her try to stay strong while being torn between her heart and the truth. My sister broke countless promises to our family. Shelby was to the point that a lie was just another sentence to her. It didn’t weigh heavy on her conscience. I don’t feel like she wanted our help she just needed us to get her out of trouble. Shelby would always tell you what you wanted to hear to get her way. I’m quite sure her picture is in the dictionary next to master manipulator. She can turn on the water works and pull on my parent’s heart strings and their vulnerabilities. “I’m sorry! I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with me but I’m sick of this life; I’ll go to rehab, I’ll get a job, I’ll pay ya’ll back what I owe. whatever I gotta do just please get me out of jail!” I wonder how many times we heard this

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