Drug Testing In Schools Essay

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Does testing students for drug use actually benefit the community? More and more companies are attempting to be brought in by different schools for drug testing. They are starting to require athletes and students that participate in a extracurricular activity to be tested. Also, there are a few other scenarios that school members can be tested randomly. Despite the outrageous cost of the testing, they should be incorporated into all school districts. Drug test can significantly change a minor's future, will account for a decrease in drug use, and can financially aid schools. Testing for illegal use of drugs are a unique way to lure students away from horrific substances. Students that have experienced with drugs start to feel uncomfortable …show more content…

Many of the testing organizations say that athletes are a major function in the schools and are “role models” to others. When the students observe that the athletes are striving greatly without drugs in their hands then they will too. If this is uneffective to the students and they choose to be caught by testing then they will still be offered a chance in counseling or even more severe help. There are people all over everybody's community that want to help the ones that do not understand what will appear in their future, if continued. This is not the only way to prevent drug usage because their is many more and they seem to be working. For example, the company D.A.R.E. alaberated to others about the numbers of marijuana use is decreasing at a yearly rate. Downsizing is a positive occurrence in this situation and needs to be continued. The operators of drug testing say that there are various ways to “cheat” on the “test”, but it is hard to accomplish this because they make many forms of the test. The most used form is a urine sample but other ways are allowed to be taken. If testing continues to be incorporated in schools all over the U.S. then people will become smarter with their money and will increase the wealth population. Drugs do not end up doing anything fulfilling in one's