Dry We Know The Worth Of Water Quotes

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“When the well is dry, we know the worth of water.” (Benjamin Franklin). Through visualizing imagery, Shusterman portrays the struggle one has to persevere through to obtain water itself. In this novel Dry, Alyssa and her family are posed by something that they can only imagine. Alyssa and her family try to stay together while California breaks apart from the drought or the Tap-Out, as everyone calls it.
To start, Shusterman implements plentiful examples of struggles throughout his novel. One instance where Alyssa and her family struggled was when Alyssa’s neighborhood turns against each other fending for just their families to obtain the once not-so-valuable substance known as water. “People can be monsters. Whether it’s just their …show more content…

Another struggle that pulled Alyssa was when life in California changed for the worse. “When something drastic happens, there’s a lag time. It’s not quite denial, and not quite shock, but more like a mental free fall.”(Shusterman 13). This example shows how people are not prepared for the sudden events in life, and as shown in this novel the state of California and its residents were not ready for the drought. Alyssa, while faced with many hardships, tries to find a way to persevere through them. “When we’ve lost the strength to save ourselves, we somehow find the strength to save each other.”(Shusterman 185). This example shows that, though this is a hard moment though working together makes it easier. To elaborate, Alyssa and her family only have a chance to survive this event by helping each …show more content…

Another example of struggles that allowed Alyssa to gain insight was when she shared her regrets and how she tries to move on from them. “The worst part about doing something inexcusable is that you can never take it back. It’s like breaking a glass. It can’t unbreak. The best you can do is sweep it up, and hope you don’t step on the slivers you left behind.”(Shusterman 233). This example shows how the mistakes you make don’t define who you are, and in this novel, many mistakes were made but you just have to keep moving forward if you want any chance of surviving. Alyssa learns from her mistakes and, shares her knowledge with those who might suffer. “Everything in life is a lesson, Kelton. Learn from it. Better yourself. Become stronger.”(Shusterman185). This example shows how much Alyssa has learned from this experience to build her as a person. To elaborate, Shusterman uses imagery to show how Alyssa and her family struggled and all the hardships they had overcome. Imagery shows depth giving the reader the characters understanding and viewpoints showing the water is as valuable as gold