Reflection On Duality

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Duality, by Jeffrey Allen, is a Mindvalley course that promises many things, including access to an energy mastery blueprint for an extraordinary life, great health, increased spiritual skills, higher levels of awareness, and the ability to function more efficiently in the world. That 's all stuff that I can get on board with! And, if you know me, you know I 'm a huge fan of Mindvalley courses - how they are structured, how unique they are, and how transformational they are - so it was a no-brainier that I was going to take this one. This is my Duality review, including what I got from the course, how it 's set up, what annoyed me, and who I think will benefit most from it. The Biggest Thing I Gained From Duality There were a few big things …show more content…

People tell me that it 's because I have such good energy and people are attracted to it, but that doesn 't make me feel better. It 's always been hard to deal with personal space invasions until I learned an energy trick in Duality using an energetic rose. After I practiced his rose technique a few times, I found myself much more tolerable of people around me. Then the ultimate test came into my life. My dad - who doesn 't drive anymore - asked me to take him to the casino. If you have ever been to a casino, you will know that personal space is not much of a thing. People always seem to be touching you and close to you - and it 's horrible to me. BUT, I used the rose technique, and people were able to almost lean against me without bothering me one bit. I was in such a good energy space that I won $980 that day... and yes, I credit the win to feeling good in my personal energy space, as well as listening to my intuition!  [poll id="12"] Other Big Things I Took Away From Duality The energetic rose also helps you to avoid absorbing other people 's energies. This is great for people who easily soak in other people 's emotions and energy! I 'm definitely one of those …show more content…

Instead, I could see that they were mad, but I was able to keep their emotions from affecting me... including my dad 's energy. I told my mom about this energy technique and she LOVED it. She often lets other people influence her energy and how she feels too, and she found this technique invaluable. I also took away an energetic technique to ground myself. I 've grounded myself before with other techniques, but for some reason, Jeffrey 's grounding technique is the best. I literally feel grounded to the earth - and very present, whenever I do the technique. The Structure Of Duality There are three sections in the program divided into 8 weeks. For the first 3 weeks, you work on 'The Self '. For week 4 and 5 you work on 'The Self & Others Closest To You ' And for weeks 6 to 8, you work on 'How You Fit Into The World ' Each week you get around 5 lecture videos, a meditation, and 2 practice exercises. The meditation is included in one of the lectures, and then it 's also offered separately so that you can listen to it without having to skim through Jeffrey 's