Duckworth's Analysis

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What is the key to success? The key is to have passion and perseverance. According to Duckworth, having passion and perseverance is called grit. When an individual is working on a very long-term goal and he or she isn’t giving up on his or her goal even if it takes years to accomplish, Duckworth calls it grit and it can be learned. I agree when she writes “Grit is sticking with your future day in, day out, not just for a week, not just for a month, but for years, and working really hard to make that future a reality.” In other words, Duckworth believes that you should never give up on your goals, keep going until the goal has been accomplished. I also agree when she rephrases Dweck’s idea about grit being taught and it being learned. My first …show more content…

The study was to see which cadets would stay and which would drop out. At the spelling bee, Duckworth wanted to see which kids would advance further in the competition. When it came to the rookie teachers, Duckworth wanted to know which ones would still be there at the end of the year and which ones made an improvement on the learning of the students. Duckworth states “In all those very different contexts, one characteristic emerged as a significant predictor of success. And it wasn’t social intelligence. It wasn’t good looks, physical health, and it wasn’t I.Q. It was grit.” What Duckworth meant was that the cadets who stayed in military training, the kids who advance in the spelling be competition and the teachers who stuck to the end, they all had passion and perseverance for what they wanted to accomplish. This goes to show why you should never give up on your long-term …show more content…

Therefore, people who have passion and perseverance and those who have taught and learned, achieve their long-term goal. I still agree with Duckworth idea about having and testing out grit to become better in life. On a personal experience, I was always struggling through high school. My goal was to be able to walk across the stage with my friends and graduate. So no matter what, I overcame every obstacle that was holding me back from my goal and I was able to graduate with my