Duska Disagrees With Mill Case Study

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1A. Duska disagrees with Bowie because he believes that if an employee knows and believes that his employer is doing something they shouldn’t be then he doesn’t have to act loyal to his boss to show that he is actually loyal to his coworkers or company. He should do what is right for the company, which is letting someone know that their boss doesn’t have any integrity and actual loyalty to the company to make it better the proper way it should be. 1B. Duska brings up commercialization of work as businesses only thinking about them and their profits. They don’t care if their employers enjoy the work they are doing, the companies want the money they make to override the employees and exploit the work they do. Duska believes that loyalty is important because it’s what ties an employee to their job and to be able to love what they do. He feels like employees should be …show more content…

Duska is saying that in a business we shouldn’t be fighting one another we should be fighting with the other companies. But Duska tells us that he doesn’t want anyone to fight each other just focus on ourselves and our companies to get a victory. By all means get ahead of the other companies but don’t slander others to get ahead. The best technique is to compete against each other in the company to make sure you stay on top and doing your best. 2. Concerning loyalty and business, does JD agree with Duska? Explain. (4 pts.) 2. 3A. Albert Carr is trying to say that anything having to do with the business is all about the money and that it is just a game to him. He is saying that whatever the bosses say is always right, so that’s the way you should act but at home you can be the boss and act whatever way you want. So play the game how your bosses want and you will win the game in the end. 3B. Albert Carr doesn’t believe that to be successful you have to be ruthless. He thinks that you just have to be who you are. Being who you are gets you ahead in life and shows others you aren’t selfish in hard