
Dylan Klebold And Harris

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The school shooting at Columbine high school was a day many will remember and many always try to forget. At the time this school shooting was the largest mass shooting in U.S. history. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris are known as the two who caused the largest mass shooting in U.S history. Where there signs of their future acts? After the shooting took place the police began to unravel and look into the very strange actions of both Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris. Dylan Klebold wasn’t an absolute crazy teenager, but he did have a very depressing attitude towards life. Prior to the shooting it is stated that Dylan had been taking a type of antidepressant. “I get more depressed each day,” Dylan stated. This was written in Dylan’s journal after he had been grounded for the locker incident. Although, Dylan was taking the antidepressant it began to make him feel suicidal and homicidal. Dylan also stated in his journal, “wanna die” which showed a change at how he looked at his life. Eric on the other hand was a kid who always had a type of rage attitude. Once eric began to show an interest in guns he wrote in his journal, “It is just as easy to bring a loaded handgun to school as it is to bring a calculator.” Eric also read in a guns digest magazine that he could get a “Saturday Night Special” for $69 dollars which is where he realized guns were cheap …show more content…

Although there is no exact reason for what they did there is still many assumptions of why they did it. One of the reasons they did is because they are teenagers. They went to a large highschool, and the two teens did seem like they struggled fitting in and finding out who they were. In one of Eric’s journal entries he stated, “Every day news broadcasts stories of students shooting students, or going on killing sprees.” Many believe that this is where Eric may have began to see that he could get a lot of attention from pulling such a

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