Dystopian Future In The Matrix Trilogy

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The Matrix Trilogy written and directed by The Wachowski Brothers, depicts a dystopian future in which reality as perceived by most humans is actually a simulated reality called "the Matrix", Computer programmer "Neo" learns this truth and joins in the fight against the machines. Alongside other people freed from The Matrix, one of those people being Trinity. Throughout the films the viewers learn that Trinity is one of the most important characters. Alongside her and Neo, there is Morpheus, a leader who consistently cares about everyone, and The Oracle who doesn’t stop supporting and believing in Neo. The one similarity between these three are that they all love Neo deeply, supporting him no matter what. Neo's purpose is actualized by other people loving and believing in him.
The Oracle told Trinity that she would “fall in love with The One” but one don’t find this out until very far into the first …show more content…

Out of all the people, Morpheus hand picked Neo. Morpheus really believes in Neo, that he is The One. At the end of the meeting with The Oracle, Morpheus says “You don't have to tell me anything, Neo, because I already know what she said” (The Matrix). This is saying that he does not exactly want to know what she says but instead hopes that Neo can start believing in himself that he is The One. Morpheus is a very patient man with Neo, even through the many messups that Neo had. Morpheus’s faith and belief in Neo stayed strong and confident that Neo was The One. He thought maybe teaching Neo the skills of fighting will start him on the right path. He goes into fighting mode with Neo and as Neo is fighting as well as he knows how to, Morpheus was teaching him all the different tricks that he knew. Although Morpheus knows these moves that could potentially save the world, he is selfless and lets Neo take the lead because he has his full faith and trust in