ELL Portfolio Part 2

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ELL Portfolio Part II: Instructional Strategies for English Language Learners In this part of the portfolio, you will explore research-based instructional strategies used when teaching ELLs. Complete the following chart using the research-based resources provided below. Name of Strategy Explanation of the Strategy Rationale Why is this strategy beneficial for ELLs? Reference 1 Basic Interpersonal Communicative Skills (BICS) This strategy increases the student’s potential to understand the basic casual conversations in English. This is important for the ELL students to understand, for better social interactions in everyday social environments. https://iris.peabody.vanderbilt.edu/module/ell/cresource/q1/p02/#content. 2. Cognitive Academic …show more content…

Transitional Bilingual Education ELL students taught in their home by a bilingual teacher. The student is expected to do English instruction only. ELL students become more confident in their academic success, as well as learning more proficiently. https://iris.peabody.vanderbilt.edu/module/ell/cresource/q1/p03/#content/uploads/2015/02/08/rev 6. English as a Second Language ELL Students are pulled from their normal education classes and taught English for a period of time. Lessons: Grammar-based, Communication-based, Content-based ELL students are able to get more accommodations, which can offer better outcomes for their academic success. https://iris.peabody.vanderbilt.edu/module/ell/cresource/q1/p03/#content/uploads/2015/02/08/rev/rev/re 7. Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol Teachers plan accordingly and systematically towards their ELL students. ELL students have greater academic success with the consistency of the SIOP model https://iris.peabody.vanderbilt.edu/module/ell/cresource/q1/p03/#content. 8. Culturally Responsive Instruction Teachers will gain access to a student culture, and incorporate it in the lessons they teach. This can increase the success of the ELL student(s). Offers an open-minded classroom.