Dual Language Two-Way Immersion Model For Bilingual/ESL Students

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After covering multiple programs, in my opinion, I believe Dual Language Two-Way immersion model programs are the most beneficial model to use for bilingual/ESL students. The two-way model supports students of both languages used within the program to reach biliteracy, bilingualism, and biculturalism. This model is more likely to close the achievement gap for ELL students. Because ELL students are placed in classrooms with native-English-speaking students they can learn from each other to reach the goals established by this model. Fostering a student's native language while also teaching them the target language will not only allow students to feel less pressure and lower the affective filter but assist in students remaining connected to their roots. Giving students the amazing opportunity to connect to two languages and cultures. This model program has the best long-term educational results for students. There are personal and societal benefits to bilingualism. Students will have the ability to speak to and connect with a wide variety of people. They will also understand and appreciate people of different cultures …show more content…

Lee Elementary School is in the northern part of Irving, with the student population consisting of primarily Hispanic (42.5%) and African American (41.9%) students. The at-risk of student dropout population within this school is 63.6%. This school utilizes the Dual Language Two Way model. In accordance with the demographic information, I have gathered from this campus, the model they are using is great for their students. They are promoting inclusivity and helping students reach educational goals with long-term educational outcomes. I believe this model program's effectiveness contributes to the lower percentage of the at-risk student dropout rate because ELL students are having their home language fostered and this lessens the student's frustration when learning and allows them to reach biliteracy in both their native language and target

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