The Ideology Of Nationalism In Texas Schools

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For the past couple of weeks, the class has studied educational philosophy. We reviewed and discussed Idealism, Realism, and Pragmatism, Existentialism, and Postmodernism. This week the class studied the axiology of Nationalism and Liberalism in regards to educational authority. The focus of our study was to understand how these ideologies have shaped education in regards to schooling, curriculum, and teaching and learning today.
The ideology of Nationalism pertains to an individuals’ love and pride they have for their country. Nationalism has also been referred to as American Exceptionalism. The root word of Nationalism is nation which the dictionary defines as, “an aggregation of people with the same ethnic family, often speaking the same language and associated with a particular territory that is sufficiently conscious of its unity to seek or to possess a government peculiarly its own” (Online Dictionary). The relation between nationalism and the school system is a nation-state. During the nineteenth century, states located within the United States began to independently create their own public school systems (Gutek, 2014, p.198). The components used were …show more content…

This caused schools to incorporate various programs that would meet the needs of all learners. One of the programs that can be found in Texas schools today is the English Second Language learner multi-cultural program. In elementary students are able to take bilingual classes and learn in both English and Spanish. They are also able to take their state - mandated test in the language of their choice, English or Spanish. However, when they get to secondary students that still struggle with the foundational components such as reading, writing, speaking, and listening in English are only provided with a supplemental class for one period each day. The students are also required to take their state - mandated test in

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