EYFS 2.1

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The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) was introduced into England and Wales to try and provide a standard framework for childrenâ€TMs care, learning and development. It followed on from the government report Every Child Matters (ECM) which described how all children should achieve outcomes; • Staying safe • Being healthy • Enjoying and achieving • Making a positive contribution • Achieving economic well-being
The government provides funding for every child aged 3 and 4 to receive 15 hours a week Early
Years education (38 weeks a year). This follows the EYFS and it enables children from all social backgrounds to have the same opportunity to receive education and therefore more easily achieve the outcomes above.
As the EYFS should be followed until …show more content…

These would have been designed by the teachers and teaching assistants. This first year of school allows children to make a transition from nursery to Key Stage 1 and it teaches them to be able to work more independently as opposed to needing the support of a teacher or parent.
Whilst I have not included detail here, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland all follow a slightly different process.
Question: Question 2
Answer: In the UK, there are 4 types of schools which are funded by government money. They are known as †̃maintainedâ€TM schools. They follow the national curriculum and are monitored by Ofsted. They are usually †̃comprehensiveâ€TM (they take pupils of all educational capabilities) and co-educationa (attended by boys and girls).
1. Foundation and Trust Schools. These have governing bodies as well as a charitable trust which usually owns the school buildings. The governing body sets out the admissions policy together with the Local Education Authority (LEA).
2. Community Schools - Run and owned by the LEA. Support for the schools is usually through local community links and the community may use school facilities (eg for adult education). Admissions policies are written by the