Early Classroom Observation

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On Thursday, March 16, 2017 from 8:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. I observed in the Early Head Start classroom at the YWCA in Asheville. The children were ages one and two years old and there were two teachers in the classroom. When the children first arrived in the classroom, I noticed the teacher greeting each child by their name. I also noticed throughout the day that the teachers would call the children by their name when talking to them, instructing them, or when trying to get their attention. I could sense that the children felt respected and they responded in a mutually respectful manner. The teachers also used positive statements with the children that explained what to do, rather than “stop, no, or don’t.” This helped create a positive atmosphere in …show more content…

– 10:15 a.m. I observed at the Verner Center for Early Learning in the toddler classroom. The children were ages two and three and there were also two teachers in the classroom. When the children first arrived in the classroom, I noticed the teacher said, “Good morning *child’s name*”. I also noticed throughout the day that the teachers would call the children by their name when talking to them, instructing them, or when trying to get their attention. The teachers also used positive statements with the children that explained what to do rather than “stop, no, or don’t.” This helped create a positive atmosphere in the classroom for both children and teachers. There were classroom helpers for almost every activity, even the simplest of activities such as finding sponges or wiping a table. This classroom also had a family tree which displayed everyone’s pictures including their family. Children enjoyed pointing to their family and showing others their mom and/or dad. The children in this classroom also helped one another, gave each other compliments, and showed empathy towards their friends and teachers. This classroom also offers nurturing and responsive relationships in the