Early Intervention Analysis

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In order for early intervention to be conducive to success in natural environments, early intervention providers should partner with families in an effort to implement family-centered early intervention practices. Natural environments include routines of the family, the community in which they live, and the activities and individuals that make up their everyday lives. Early intervention providers can be challenged to gather this information owing to the fact that it is personal information about their everyday lives, once again suggesting that the reciprocal partnership that should be formed between the family and early intervention provider is of the utmost importance when building a sense of trust and security in the early stages of early …show more content…

Overall, the article was incredibly beneficial to me as a future early intervention provider, though specifically when highlighting the importance of partnerships with specific, individual families. Questionnaires and checklists are not a strategy that I plan on implementing in my future career as an early intervention provider, so it was not particularly applicable to me, though it is always beneficial to learn about various ways to implement early intervention. Each family is different and each family may prefer a different strategy over another because it meets their needs and preferences more effectively. The family’s needs and preferences should be a driving factor when forming an early intervention plan. Early intervention can act as a stepping stone to preschool, where some children are put on IEPs and others are not. Teachers should make every effort to implement certain early intervention strategies, such as recognizing each family’s unique contributions to their child’s education, to create the best possible classroom environment. Lastly, a family’s positive outlook can be maintained through early intervention when they are fully aware of the importance of their partnership with early intervention providers as well as meaningful to the family as a cohesive unit. Early intervention providers have the power to make a difference in a family’s life and should not be taken lightly by all parties involved in the early intervention