Echo Barrier Case Study

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Throughout Canada, increasing use is being made of award winning Echo Sound Barriers to counteract noise pollution. As companies become aware of the advantages of the range of noise reduction solutions available from the Echo Barrier company, the impact of noise on the environment in Canada is reducing. This can only be an advantage to the health and welfare of the nation. Unacceptable levels of sound can come from many sources. Construction and building work, demolition sites, generators, airports and railways and even children playing in the garden can make life unbearable for those who live or work in close proximity. Echo Barrier panels have been used at sporting events, in underground stations and to reduce the noise at concerts and to reduce noise from roadworks. Wherever noise levels are high the use of these panels makes living bearable. High noise levels can have an effect on the health both of the general public and those who work in companies needing to create noise in order to complete a project. Businesses can lose custom if noise complaints become a problem and they can be fined for exceeding acceptable levels. It is in the interests of any …show more content…

They are created from industrial quality PVC which surrounds a patented acoustic absorbent foam. Hand stitching ensures that the panels are extremely strong and tests have shown that they are unlikely to deteriorate in extreme weather, making them especially suitable for the Canadian climate. The panels are robust at temperatures of -40 degrees and can withstand high force water pressure. They are also fire proof. As they are light and easy to roll up and transport, storage is not a problem. The panels can stand alone or be hung from an existing structure or fencing. They can be created to fit any project and will not perish. Echo Sound Barriers are a cost effective, low maintenance, easy to erect solution to any sound problem created by a