Education Gap In America Essay

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For young adults and teens, education should be the most important aspect in their life. Education is the stepping stone in life and now a days, if someone does not have a degree in college or at least high school, that person will not go nowhere. A college degree is the best thing a young person can achieve and the good thing about a college degree is that someone can pick and choose from anything they desire in the U.S. In America, there are many children that are living in poverty stricken communities. Children are mislead and are not focused on their main goal. Teachers and good role models anywhere should set examples to children across the country no matter where they come from. Poverty has a negative effect on education and society should close the education gap in America.
All across the U.S., there are unfortunately many different places within cities that are poverty stricken. “In 1997, despite an unprecedented period of macroeconomic prosperity, some 13.4 million children in the United States (19.2% of all children) were poor” (U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1999). About 2 out of every 10 children are poor in the U.S. This stat should not matter. No matter how poor someone is, they should have a right to a good …show more content…

“Interestingly, less attention has been paid to the ways in which other dimensions of parenting (e.g., parents’ mental health, their investments in cognitively stimulating activities) may be differentially predicted by material hardship and may be differentially predictive of child outcomes across different cultural contexts,” (Raver 99). In some poor communities, there are a lot of issues including drugs at school and gangs. Some teenagers probably go to school just to sell drugs which is horrible. They should focus on better things including your education because that is where they will succeed in life, through education and a degree. Education is