Edwin Hubble Essay Outline

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Edwin Powell Hubble was born November 20th, 1889, Marshfield MO.
Edwin Powell Hubble was born to Virginia Lee Hubble and John Powell Hubble.
When he turned 10 his family moved to Chicago, IL. Where he would excel at sports, basketball, and track and field. Later in life he would attend University of Chicago and University of Oxford.
He graduated with a bachelor's degree in jurisprudence. Around the same time his father died. In 1917 Edwin was chosen to fight in World War I. He would fight until 1919. It wasn’t until 1923 that Edwin would realize he had found a spiral nebula. Edwin Hubble was later recognized by the Association for the Advancement of Science the following year. In 1924 Edwin Powell Hubble met the love of his life, Grace Burke Leib. A short while after marrying Grace, Edwin’s discovery was put into “The New York Times”. When all of a sudden the unthinkable happened. Edwin and Grace were visited by none other than Albert Einstein himself! …show more content…

1935 Edwin would find the 1373 Cincinnati star. At the time the world didn’t know how striking this would be, until years to come. In the year of 1936, Edwin would write a book called “Realm of the Nebulae” In the book Edwin would state “Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure Science.” Which many people stated made them want to explore the universe.
Although many people say Edwin was a scientist, was he ? He was a military man, an astronomer, but I don’t think scientist is the word for it. He was an extraordinary man. In the year of 1939 World War II would start. At the time Edwin was with Grace. When in 1942 He