Effects Of Early Marriage In Bangladesh

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Bangladesh is a developing country. It is bigger than other countries considering its population. Bangladesh is plagued with different social problems which are very common phenomena in this country. Child/early marriage, poverty, drug-addiction, eve- teasing, dowry and oppression on women are few of them. Early marriage has been an endemic phenomenon in our country which ensues from Poverty, eve-teasing, prejudices, lack of social consciousness. It means early marriage is not itself a problem in our country, it is also a problem which comes from the other problems and source of other problems as well due to socio-economic and cultural factors and manner . Bangladesh is not having highly literacy rate and some prejudices and superstitions still work on rural people, less-educated and poor family. Female has taken as the burden of their family and growing girls have been considered the headache of their parents. Still people of Bangladesh never want female child in their family and think of female baby as the curse of their family. So when female child is born, parents of their children begin to think of their marriage instead of giving their proper nourishment, care and education, Early marriage is now and early marriage is then have contradiction and both sketches are different from each other with respect to their socio-cultural and psychological factors. Traditionally above 98% marriages of girls in Bangladesh occurred before reaching and attaining their physiological