Journal Article On Arranged Marriage

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Journal Articles
Marriage in India
Love (and money) conquer caste; Marriage in India. (2015, September 5). The Economist, 416(8954), 43(US). Retrieved from

Marriage in India is changing from the traditional of arranged marriages to a more selective process. The urbanization and education of many Indian families has changed who is leading the search for marriage. Prior the parents and brothers would search for mates, usually in the same caste, now individuals are focusing on who they are interested via dating sites and social media. The family is still involved but the priority is changing. Even the caste system has started to crumble, the opportunities for education and chance to make money will allow …show more content…

This article talked about the change and slow progression of marriage from cultural norms to acceptance of love marriages, specifically a union between same-sex, that culturally there has always been doctrine who acknowledged these unions. Ancient text in Sanskrit and Hindu referencing love marriages , including the enjoyment of sexual engagement between two females, and the "gender transformations" for miracle of birth offers Indian culture acceptance from cultural norms. Often issues of syncretism between Christian doctrine and Hindu beliefs creating judgment and focusing on the need for procreation. The ancient text revealing same-sex love can raise and complete families, not excluding but including both, sexual and good relationships. The general population is aware of changes over the past decades including LGBT movements in India, with same-sex suicides on the rise, creating awareness and change to romantic love versus social norms. These changes and awareness of the ancient text may help to create political change, even the request to change law, not just social norms, to allow marriages.
Francavilla, D. (2011). "Interacting legal orders and child marriage in India". The American Journal of Gender, Social Policy and Law, 19(2), 529-547. Retrieved from …show more content…

J., Ram, F., Ram, U., Santhya, K. G., & Singh, A. (2010). Associations between early marriage and young women's marital and reproductive health outcomes: evidence from India. International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 36(3), 132+. Retrieved from
This article is a study found an association between marrying early and reproductive health. The large multidimensional study finds that girls who marry over the age of 18 are more likely to have education, delay first births with birth control, less violent relationships, have more involvement with the planning of the marriage and have a first child in health facility preventing stillbirths. The sample size was over 8,000 married women from ages 20-24. The sample was over 5 states in India, with 2/3 being married under 18, using a questionnaire to measure nonfamilial interactions, reproductive health, background, and gender roles around marriage. The study shows delaying marriage in accordance with the law strengthens the woman's ability to influence her life. In addition, this study shows preventing early marriage improves woman's health, including choices around pregnancy and life