Essay On Nationalism In The Twentieth Century

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A country without pride is a country that will not stand. Apathy toward a country causes strife between generations of people and leads to a divided and unhappy nation. Many people dislike the way things are but do nothing to change it, instead people take the road of complaint. In the United States, or any country, no one will ever agree on everything completely. Though people do not agree, there have been times in history where the United States have been brought together over many common goals. The community between cities, states, regions and the country as a whole are unique because the United States is such a diverse country. These times in history have been some of the best times in history for the United States. Nationalism had a positive effect on the United States during the twentieth century because it unified a divided nation over four common goals. Nationalism takes time, effort, and sometimes even people’s lives for it to develop. This can occur through both good events and bad events. “Nationalism …show more content…

Although, when people were brought together over a common goal it was very special and important times in America. The events that caused nationalism in the twentieth century were both good and bad. For example, the Space Race captivated Americans and brought them together over trying to beat the Soviets. When the Soviets put their first rocket into space, America felt like it was falling behind and needed to catch up. “Suddenly, the “Space Race” was on and the United States, in desperation, greatly accelerated its space program.” (Space). Everyone’s attention was turned toward the Space Race and it became a time of national peace. “America’s efforts in the space race is recognized as one of the greatest peacetime national efforts.” (Space). Nationalism is not only brought about by events in America but also events happening outside its

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