Effects Of Women Abuse In Relationships

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Women may face a lot of obstacles in life. Some overcome them while others allow them to hinder their progression. One of the obstacles a lot of women face is abuse, especially in their relationship. Some women tend to stay in an abusive relationship because they take the abuse as a form of love, they are afraid to leave the relationship in fear of making things worse, or they stay for the sake of their children.
Background Information
Abuse in relationships is often overlooked and put on the back burner. It is now to the point where women are now afraid or do not try to seek help because they feel they will be ignored. Being abused, especially in a relationship, changes a woman’s mental state. They begin to think that it is normal. They change the way they act because they think that they cause the outburst of their partner. After a while, they no longer fear the abuse because they are accustomed to it, it is like a routine. Some women take the abuse while other women fight back, neither of them realizing they are making the situation worse and risking their lives. Some women never leave their house because they are too embarrassed. They don’t want the public eye to see their bruises and scars left on them. A lot of women also tend to stay with an abusive partner because they are taking care of them. Families tend to cut all ties when they know the right choice is not being made, therefore, if they were to leave, they would have nowhere else to go. Early signs of