
Why Women Stay In Abusive Relationships Essay

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One in every four women will experience domestic violence in their lifetime. People sometimes get into relationships that can have abusive partners, the victim gets sucked into an endless cycle of abuse because of the following reasons, Women stay in abusive relationships because of Conflicting emotions, Reliance on the abusive partner and Low Self esteem.
Some women stay in abusive relationships because of the conflicting emotions they have towards their abusive partner. Some of the emotions they have are fear, embarrassment, and love. Women might be afraid of leaving their partners because they may be threatened by people, like the family of their partners or the partner himself. Abusive relationships offer some show of relative security even if women lose much of their personal freedom. Some women may feel embarrassed because of their situations and don’t want to be judged by other people especially their relatives or friends. Victims may think that they have done something wrong and blame themselves for the abuse. It is hard for people to tell others that they are being abused by their partners. Due to this, they would rather stay quiet than try to defuse the situation. Love is the main reason why women can’t leave their partners. After the abuse, women may …show more content…

They may be dependent on their partners when it comes to financial support. It is very hard to get out of abusive relationships especially when women are unemployed. They can’t live without money to provide for their basic necessities. In a relationship, it is normal if you feel that you are overly attached to your partner, because of this they cannot leave him because they feel incomplete and empty if they are alone or not with them. It is hard for abused women to think of a place to stay especially when they want to be farthest away from the

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