
Erikson's Stages Of Development Theory Essay

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Development Theory
Erik Erikson postulated eight psychosocial stages, an innovation to the five stages development of Dr. Sigmund Freud. Each of the psychosocial stages is marked by a psychosocial crisis that needs to be resolved so that the individual can move on. In these stages especially during the initiative versus guilt stage, Erikson believed that children begin to have the ability to control themselves and now learn to have some influence over others. This stage is the play age of children. Thus, crisis unresolved during this stage will lead children to become compulsively moralistic or overly inhibited (Apruebo, 2008). This theory aided the research in such a way that it explains how a child, especially during their play age develop a psychopathology which causes in the delay of the development of a child.
Psychoanalytic Approach
Dr. Sigmund Freud asserts that the first few years of life are decisive for the formation of personality. He developed five stages namely: the oral stage, anal stage, phallic stage, latency stage and genital stage. In these …show more content…

He agrees with the behaviorist learning theories of classicaland operational conditioning. However, he added two important ideas: modeling process and observational learning (McLeod, 2011). Children observe people around them. They play or act based on how they see other people do it. Thus, the action or behavior of children towards others can be explained through social learning theory. Overall, the theoretical framework encapsulates the relationships of the included determinants of psychosocially developed preschooler where in they were validated and confirmed by the other studies from various fields and researches. Moreover, the theories how psychosocially develop a preschooler is assed are incorporated in order for the designing of play activities become more

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