Eight Practices In The Classroom

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Out of the eight practices, the following five “tips” stood out as most important:

1. Fairness and consistency- Students will be the first to point out when they feel they’re treated unfairly. It’s important for the students to be treated fairly and feel included and engaged in the material (AmpliVox Sound Systems, 2011). In order to promote equality within the classroom is to have the same rules for the class and consequences for students. Lee Canter states, “It is vital for classroom teachers to have a systematic discipline plan that explains what will happen when students choose to misbehave” (1989). The students know the consequences for their actions, therefore, there are no surprises.

2. Dealing with disruptions- It’s important to …show more content…

Modeling respect- Often teachers expect respect but neglect to give it. From the beginning of the school year, teachers should show students respect with their actions and interactions. The best relationship to establish is one of mutual respect. Such a relationship will develop when teachers help their students become more personally responsible and self-determined (Edwards, 2004). To establish trust between teachers and students, teachers must show what trust and respect look like. They must model it themselves. To do this, they must learn to give their undivided attention as they listen to their students, speak to students with respect, and become aware of what actions students consider disrespectful (Clifford 75). “Show kids the power of their influence on how the classroom is run and make a clear connection between the way they behave and the way you behave” (Watson, 2017). This gives students ownership for their actions and classroom …show more content…

Modeling respect- Often teachers expect respect but neglect to give it. From the beginning of the school year, teachers should show students respect with their actions and interactions. The best relationship to establish is one of mutual respect. Such a relationship will develop when teachers help their students become more personally responsible and self-determined (Edwards, 2004). To establish trust between teachers and students, teachers must show what trust and respect look like. They must model it themselves. To do this, they must learn to give their undivided attention as they listen to their students, speak to students with respect, and become aware of what actions students consider disrespectful (Clifford 75). “Show kids the power of their influence on how the classroom is run and make a clear connection between the way they behave and the way you behave” (Watson, 2017). This gives students ownership for their actions and classroom