Elementary Psychology Paper

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Elementary Psychology Paper #1

1.For this assignment I chose to store into my LTM, the spelling and dictation of numbers in french for my Elementary French I class. The numbers in french are used daily in their lives and range from dealing with things such as money or important dates. I am trying to store the numbers in my LTM because I am planning to minor in French and will most definitely need to know all of them. The French tend to not use commas in their numbers when talking about thousands or millions, instead they use periods in the place of commas or just simply put a space in between the numbers. Depending on the number, writing it out could vary in how long it’s spelled. For example the number 2.856.742 is written out: deux millions …show more content…

For that to happen the Modal Model explains that this process is split into three different stages: sensory register, short term memory, and long term memory. Sensory register is the first stage of this process that collects the information and holds on to it until we decide what to pay attention to. This then moves to the short term memory stage where we use the information that we decided to pay attention to. The information is held in short term memory and is maintained there till we decide how long we need it for. This is where rehearsal comes into play because if the information is repeated over and over the information is more than likely going to transfer to long term memory. If items in STM are rehearsed enough than they will be transferred into LTM. LTM is the final stage in Modal Model which keeps and maintains the information everything that a person wants to remember. In my opinion the easiest way for me to encode this information is through visual learning. The more I see the word written out, the more I remember how to spell the word correctly. First, to help myself learn this material I will learn the basic numbers from 1-20 because this will make the process of learning the large numbers easier. Once I learn how to spell out the first 20 numbers than I will move on to learn how to spell and say the numbers from 20-100. This will need more practice …show more content…

To retrieve information means re-access the information from the storage that it was being held in. There can be many downfall with retrieval though, for example if there are two friends talking about what they ate this past weekend, one friend might not remember what he had eaten because it may not have been properly stored in and due to that cannot retrieve the information. There are two main methods for accessing memories: recognition and recall. Recognition is based off of familiarity. For example recognizing someone and remembering that you have seen them around often is recognition. Recall differentiates with recognition because it’s involved with being able to remember something even though the object is not physically present. For example, remembering the name of someone that you already know without them actually being there. The retrieval practice effect is when you are able to retrieve information from your brain no matter the time interval. An example of retrieval practice is if a teacher where to ask a student what was the first thing that they learned at the beginning of the year, the student would have to go back into his memory and retrieve the correct information. If the student were to have replied with the incorrect answer than the teacher would just have corrected him and the next time someone were to ask him the same question he would possible be more than likely to answer it. The retrieval practice

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