Elie Wiesel Indifference Speech Summary

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Elie Wiesel’s View on Indifference On April 12th, 1999 Elie Wiesel gave a speech before President Clinton and members of Congress. His speech was about his personal feelings regarding what should have been done to help the Jews in the concentration camps. While he did criticize the United States government about what they did not do, he expressed his gratitude to America for what they did to liberate the people in the concentration camps. Mr. Wiesel gave a speech on April 12th, 1999 before Congress, First Lady Clinton, and President Clinton. In Mr. Weisel’s speech, he had gave examples about how the American government showed indifference towards the Jews. To be noted, he given multiple meanings of indifference to him personally and in others …show more content…

Wiesel’s point of view is important, the listener or reader has to be aware he witnessed this atrocity as a child. To a child, problems to them seem simple to fix, because to a child, the world is simpler to them. A child cannot comprehend some of the problems that may be happening around them. To prove the point stated before, the chances for modern day computers to precisely strike bombs on a railroad is a very slim probability. Now to imagine a plane from World War II to hit a target that small is close to impossible, and if they did hit the target there would have been a high chance of innocent civilians being injured. Regarding the boat that Roosevelt turned backed, while it was wrong he that he forced the Jewish people to back to Nazi Germany. He did not and could not know what was on the boat. During that time Germany was expanding its territory, and Roosevelt took a chance and protected the citizens of his state. Finally about his point on why the Allies did not liberate the camps immediately. Not one member knew what the Germans were doing to those innocent people. Sadly even if they did knew about Concentration camps they would have not been a priority. Liberating the camps first could have lost the war and winning was the main priority, or liberating all the camps first would have been for nothing. Mr. Wiesel was a child during the time of the Holocaust, so his solution to how to help the Jews during that time would have been improbable or