Elizabeth Browning Research Paper

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(H)Life-changing experiences shape an individual forever. (CL)Elizabeth Barrett Browning definitely had some challenges in her life that has changed her greatly. (GS) It is evident that Elizabeth Browning did not have your typical 21st century love story, especially in The Life of Elizabeth Browning by Alicia Kim, The Browning Letters by Gregory Evans, in Sonnet 43, and in some of the love letters between Elizabeth and her husband Robert. (TH)Elizabeth portrays her grief in her work, she shows her traumatic experiences in her poems, and her work shows that she is strong.

Elizabeth grew up very privileged, she had a prosperous family. “Riding her pony around the grounds of her family’s estate and visiting the local neighbors.” (Kim 86) (TS)Elizabeth didn’t have a problem with money when she was younger, but just because she was well-off didn’t mean that she didn’t have troubles. She had an ill-health and was sent to life with her favorite brother Edward. A year later her brother had drowned, this took a toll on Elizabeth greatly. (MI)That experience had changed her forever. Even though she became a recluse after this traumatic moment, she still wrote. She wrote through her sorrows and was able to actually write a book that she published in 1844 that she labeled “Poems”. …show more content…

That is exactly what Elizabeth Browning did. In Sonnet 43, a poem she wrote to explain the intensity of her love for Robert Browning, she writes “In my old griefs, and with my childhood faith. I love thee with a love I seemed to lose” (Sonnet 43). Elizabeth, in her old grief’s and in her childhood faith, loved her brother Edward with a love that she lost because she lost her brother. (MI2) Even years after he died, she still had grief and used her writing as an