
Ellena And Apos: A Short Story

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"Jon!" Ellena's anguished scream pierced through the air, and for a moment everything stood still, waiting. No wind, no war, no winter. The snowflakes seemed to stop falling too. She launched herself towards the place where she thought Jon had fallen, but she didn't know what to expect when she arrived. Would she find his body laying limp in the snow, covered by the fallen briks of the walls? Or would she only find some remaining parts of his burnt body? The thought alone terrified her, but she moved forward hoping that she'd find him alive and breathing, maybe only slightly injured. Other soldiers' bodies were sprawled all over, mostly dead, but he was there, just around the corner of the remaining wall, seemingly half conscious and covered in dust and ashes. …show more content…

She knelt near him and brought her shaky hands to his head, laying it on her lap with caution. She pulled his body close to hers as much as she could, and with teary eyes she tried to wipe some of the dirt off his face. "Jon please, you have to wake up. You saved us all, you're everyone's hero now!" she muttered. She was crying hard now, her sobs shaking her violently as she desperately clawed at his shoulders and back. She could barely form any coherent thoughts or words. "Please Jon, wake up" she repeated, gently stroking his cheek, "I need you," she then added and pressed a harsh kiss on his

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