Embryonic Stem Cell Research: Pros And Cons

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Embryonic stem cell research could bring about the cure for diseases such as hemiplegia. This is what someone who is partially paralyzed due to an unfortunate spinal cord injury has. This was the first time I ever heard about stem cell research. However, to do this research, these cells must be harvested from an embryonic stem cell. These are cells that come from within a human embryo. Of course, this brings about certain ethical dilemmas. One side of the argument states that embryonic stem cell research is unethical and that it is killing potential life that would otherwise thrive. Those on this side of the argument compare this to things such as abortion and murder. However, the correct side of the debate shows that this research is innovative …show more content…

Human embryonic stem cells are also called and known as pluripotent cells. This means they are cells that can make any other cell in the human body if need be. They are made from cells found in real human embryos, called blastocysts. (Embryonic Stem Cells,2017.) This eventually led researchers into discovering how these cells may affect blood diseases in patients. Scientists are also using these cells to learn how to create many important tissues that can be used for helping burn victims and many other things. (Panno, pg. 22) These cells are also being used for composing certain layers of the brain, and to grow organs in even a lab setting. Any cell that makes up the body can be made. (Stem Cells, 2017.)
President George W. Bush allowed federal funding of this research for the first time. (Stem Cells, 2017.) It has been highly debated beforehand and ever since. Some reasons are morals, some ethics, and some people blame their religion. However, it is important to recognize why it is debated. Both sides of the debate are interested in protecting human life. Many people truly believe that life begins at conception. With this being said, the embryos being destroyed for stem cells is seen as unethical and has caused a huge debate in previous years. (Panno, pg.35) It comes down to how the human blastula is viewed. Some believe it is life. Some believe life is not until the first