Embryonic Stem Cell Research Essay

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In the article Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research, Dr. Jim Eckman makes very compelling arguments. Dr. Eckman states that embryonic stem cell research is immoral because the embryos that are used for research should have the right to life and be considered as human being as well. Dr. Eckman’s proposal about embryonic stem cell research is flaw and leaves out some important details. Dr. Eckman stresses the importance of how embryonic stem cells have the characteristics of turning into human beings and they need the full consideration of life. Well, this point is flaw in itself. During the course of Ethics, one learned what it actually takes to be considered a human being. To be considered a human being on must poses the main characteristic to sustain life such as physical and psychological properties. These embryonic stem cells that are being used for research could indeed turn into human beings, but only if they were assisted in doing so; …show more content…

Eckman also left out the fact that embryonic stem cell research is also used as treatment for several medical disorders such as heart diseases, Parkinson’s disease, and diabetes. These stem cells are not being used as a mean for another’s end rather these stem cells are being used to give hundreds of people a second chance at life. Embryonic stem cells cannot turn into a human being by themselves, so instead of discarding the “leftover” stem cells, scientists are putting the stem cells to good use by saving people’s lives. Furthermore, what would a person do with all of the “leftover” eggs from in vitro anyway? Certainly one would not want every single one of those eggs to turn into an actual human being. Could you imagine what would happen if these embryonic stem cell could actually turn into a human being by themselves? Dr. Eckman is right when he states that every human being has the right to life. But in order to be considered a human being on has to poses the characteristic to sustain life by